It's made in polished green stone, and it's hollowed out at the back-so in fact it's a miniature mask.
The dark stone is flecked with white, snake-like streaks, which gives it its name, 'serpentine'-and when you look more closely, you can see the face has been pierced, and has been ritually scarred.
The people of this mask are the Olmec, who ruled in what's now Mexico for around a thousand years, from 1400 to 400 BC. They've been called the mother culture-the 'cultura madre'-of Central America, and it was this Olmec mother culture that produced this unsettling face.
So far this week the objects in this world history have taken me along the royal roads of the Persian Empire, into mythical battles in Athens and to some heavy drinking in northern Europe.
Each object has shown how the people who made it defined themselves and the world around them about two and a half thousand years ago.
每一件物品都展示了两千五百年前的 制作者如何看待自己以及周遭的世界。
In Europe and Asia it's striking that that self-definition was usually in distinction to others-partly by imitation, but usually in opposition.
Today I'm on the continent of the Americas-to be precise, in the lowland rainforests of south-east Mexico, and my object, this Olmec face-mask, shows me a culture looking only at itself.
而我们现在看到的这副来自美洲墨西哥东南部低地雨 林的奥尔梅克面具,则向我们展现了一种只审视自己的民族文化。这正是与埃及一样古老,又极具延续性的墨西哥文化的一大特点。