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A wind with wild fire continue to _1_ and around scenic Arizona canyon, so-called slide fire, growing roughly 4000 acres overnight. Fire spreading near between Sedona and Flagstaff will _2_ plenty of tourists as the Memorial Day holiday approaches. Captain Bill Mores with the Flagstaff fire department says they have already given some residents heads-up to empty and flee their homes.
大风使亚利桑那州著名峡谷附近的火灾持续,这场火灾在一夜之间的蔓延面积约有4000英亩 。火灾已蔓延至塞多那市和弗拉格斯塔夫市之间,阵亡将士纪念日假期即将来临,这个著名峡谷会吸引大量游客前来游玩 。弗拉格斯塔夫市消防部门负责人比尔·摩尔斯表示,他们已经提醒一些居民从他们的房屋中撤离 。
"Our concern are, the fire _3_ over 89A, and giving up into the communities of Forest Highlands, and Kachina Village , which has about 3000 residences, that are currently _4_ put on pre-evacuation notices."
“我们担心的是,火灾会越过89A号公路,蔓延至森林高地和卡其纳村,那里有约3000名居民,他们目前已经接到了提前撤离的通知 。”
More than 500 firefighters are battling the wild fire with _5_ expected to arrive to help out, while shut down the main road between Flagstaff and Sedona.
500余名消防员正在奋力灭火,预计将有更多的消防员到达火灾现场协助灭火,弗拉格斯塔夫市和塞多那市之间的主路道路已经关闭 。
1. plenty of
eg. Most businesses face plenty of competition.
大多数企业面临着巨大的竞争压力 。
eg. Taking plenty of exercise can be of great benefit.
多锻炼会非常有好处 。
2. heads-up
eg. That kind of early heads-up could help governments make more timely decisions.
这样的早期提醒可以帮助政府更及时的制定决策 。
eg. I wish they had at least given us a heads up about this.
我希望他们至少能事先告知我们一声 。
3. help out
eg. He thought you'd been brought in from Toronto to help out the local police.
他认为你是从多伦多调过来协助当地警方工作的 。
eg. She's always willing to help out.
她总是乐于帮助人 。