Like fingertips searching for a hold,
this ivy's adhesive pads grip the bark.
像寻找着力点的指尖一样 紧紧抓住树皮
Instead of sticking to the trees, some climbers use sharp claws.
有些植物不会紧黏在树干上 而是伸出利爪
The cat's claw creeper hooks its tendrils into the tiniest crevices
and hauls itself to the top.
With every metre it climbs, the light gets a little stronger,
每向上爬一公尺 阳光就变得更强一些
fuelling more growth.
This tendril of a passion flower seems to flail aimlessly in mid-air,
这株西番莲的卷须 看似漫无目的地在半空中乱挥
but in fact it's searching for an anchor point.
Its tendril coils on itself, pulling the plant towards its support.
卷须盘绕起来 把植物拉向它的支撑物
In a matter of just days, these climbers make it to the canopy.
短短几天光景 这些攀缘植物就到了树冠层
Now with light in plentiful supply, these plants are able to flower.
它们来到明亮的阳光下 肆意地绽放花朵
Other plants have a different strategy
别的植物在拥挤的森林里 以截然不同的策略
to find the light they need in the crowded forest.