。空内信息可在本新闻中全部找到,大家可以根据这些信息复述新闻 。一、泛听建议:
。遇到相似的词,写下来 。The first state visit of President Obama's second term has been called off. NPR's Ari Shapiro reports Brazil's president won't _1_ the White House next month as scheduled over concerns about American spying practices.
奥巴马总统第二任期的首次国事访问被取消NPR新闻的阿里·夏皮罗报道,巴西总统因担忧美国的间谍活动,下个月将不会按照原定计划访问白宫 。 。据
Brazilians _2_ over disclosures that the US eavesdropped on Brazilian President Dilma Russeff, her aides and Brazil's state-run oil company. Russeff spoke by phone with President Obama Monday night, and White House spokesman Jay Carney says that's when they decided to call off the visit.
美国被揭露对巴西总统迪尔玛·罗塞夫、总统罗塞夫的助手以及巴西国有石油公司进行监听,巴西民众对此举感到愤怒 。周一晚上,罗塞夫与奥巴马总统通话,白宫发言人杰伊·卡尼表示,那时他们决定取消这次访问 。
"This is an important relationship. We understand, the president understands, the concerns _3_ by these disclosures, and we're working with the Brazilians on this matter, and we'll continue to do that."
“这是非常重要的关系 。我们能理解,总统也能理解因所揭露事件而引发的担忧,我们正在与巴西就此事进行协商,我们会继续这么做 。”
This is a blow to Obama, who has invested a lot of energy in _4_ the US relationship with Brazil. The two leaders were scheduled to talk about oil, trade and other _5_ during the meeting. The White House insists the visit has not been canceled, just postponed. Ari Shapiro, NPR News, the White House.
这对奥巴马是个挫折,他在增加美国和巴西的关系上投入了大量的精力NPR新闻,阿里·夏皮华盛顿报道 。 。两国元首原本计划在会面中就石油、贸易和其他议题进行会谈 。白宫坚称,此次访问并没有取消,只是推迟了 。
1. call off
eg. He has called off the trip.
他已取消了这次行程 。
eg. The union threatened a strike but called it off at the last minute.
工会威胁要罢工,不过在最后一刻取消了行动 。
2. be scheduled to do sth.
eg. The space shuttle had been scheduled to blast off at 04:38.
航天飞机已经预定于凌晨 4 点 38 分发射升空 。
eg. This project had a team of ten and was scheduled to last about a year.
这个项目有一个十人团队,计划持续了差不多一年 。