K-Pop hit "Gangnam Style" continues to make waves around the world. South Korean singer Psy's viral sensation has compelled people from all over to ape and parody his hit video—in particular his horse-riding dance move. Now even pandas are in on it—and online it's been called the cutest parody.
The video follows a panda who, after watching Psy's original music video—goes out and leads a group dance with beautiful women and random passers-by. The whole video was shot and produced in London—echoing previous Panda-themed events in the British capital, including "Panda Awareness Week" in July and flash mobs in Trafalgar Square. They're all part of the "Chengdu Pambassador" project, a charity event to raise awareness of wild animal protection by Sichuan Province's Chengdu Panda Base.
视频上,一只熊猫仔观看完PSY的江南Style原版MV后, 便出来领着一群漂亮女孩和路人在街上大跳江南Style.这段视频在伦敦拍摄完成,意在响应之前在特拉法加广场举办的以熊猫为主题的“熊猫意识周 ”活动。该活动是 “成都熊猫守护使”项目的一部分,“成都熊猫守护使”项目是由四川省成都熊猫基地发起的一项慈善活动,旨在唤醒人们保护野生动物的意识。