Louis' mistress Madame De Montespan
was already married,
but that didn't stop herspendingmost of her time with the King.
And he made sure she got the VIP treatment.
She had a suite of 20 rooms
whereas the Queen had to make do with 11.
They were gorgeouslyappointed,
and he spent a lot of time in them.
They included a bathroom - most unusual for the time,
in which apparently he and Madame De Montespan
spent many happy hours.
Despite her elevated status,
Montespan found it hard to share Louis,
even with his own wife.
I don't think she was really jealous of the Queen
because after all she had everything
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of Louis' real love, and she knew it.
But I think she made scenes about the other mistresses,
when they came along as the years passed.
And I think there are some men - possibly Louis among them -
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who rather like it if a woman is jealous and shows signs of caring.
You know, she certainlycomplainedlike mad
if she felt he was straying
from what was in fact an illegitimate relationship.