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来源:可可英语 编辑:beck   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • ' Do not be stupid! ' he said.
  • “别犯傻了!”他说。
  • But Robert pushed him back and knocked him over.
  • 可是罗伯特把他推搡回来并把他打倒了。
  • The bread fell out of the boy's basket and went all over the road.
  • 面包从篮子里掉出来,撒了一地。
  • The baker's boy was very angry.
  • 面包师的儿子非常生气。
  • He hit Robert and they began to fight.
  • 他打了罗伯特一下,俩人打起架来。
  • But the baker's boy was much bigger and stronger than Robert.
  • 可面包师的儿子比罗伯特大得多,也强壮得多。
  • He was also not a nice fighter -- he pulled Robert's hair, kicked him in the leg,
  • 他也不是个有教养的斗士——他揪罗伯特的头发,踢他的腿,
  • and hit him hard in the stomach.
  • 使劲打他的肚子。
  • Then he picked up his bread, put it back in the basket, and went on his way.
  • 然后他拣起面包,把它放回篮子里,又上路了。
  • Cyril wanted to help Robert, but the girls held his arms and stopped him.
  • 西里尔想帮助罗伯特,但女孩于们拉着他的胳膊阻止了他。
  • So Cyril was angry with the girls, and everybody was unhappy.
  • 所以西里尔生她们的气;大家都不高兴。
  • They went along to the gravel pit, and Robert began to kick the sand angrily. ' I 'll teach that baker's boy a lesson one day,'
  • 他们一起向砾石坑走去;罗伯特开始生气地踢沙子。“早晚有一天我要教训教训面包师的儿子。”
  • he said. ' I wish I was bigger than him! ' Just then they saw that the Psammead was sitting behind them,
  • 他说,“真希望我比他个子高!” 就在这时,他们看见赛米德正坐在他们后面
  • and was watching them!
  • 注视着他们!
  • The next minute, Robert had his wish.
  • 罗伯特的愿望马上实现了。
  • He was bigger than the baker's boy!
  • 他比面包师的儿子个子还高,
  • Much, much bigger!
  • 高得多得多!
  • He was now more than three metres tall!
  • 他现在有三米多高!
  • He was not pleased because he looked very strange next to the others, who were still small.
  • 他不高兴,因为呆在其他几个孩子身旁他看起来很古怪,他们还是那么小。
  • The others felt sorry for him then, and asked the Psammead for another wish.
  • 其他孩子于是为罗伯特感到遗憾,要赛米德再实现一个愿望。
  • But the Psammead was very cross and un helpful. ' Why do not you think before you wish?'
  • 但赛米德很生气,不肯帮忙。“为什么你不事先想好?”
  • it said. ' He's a wild, noisy boy, and he can stay like that for the day.
  • 它说,“他是个放肆的、吵吵闹闹的男孩子,就让他整个白天都这个样子吧。
  • It will do him good.
  • 这对他有好处。
  • Now go away and leave me alone! ' The others turned back to their enormous brother.
  • 现在走开吧,别打扰我了!”这几个孩子转身回到他们的大个子兄弟那里。
  • ' What are we going to do? ' They asked.
  • “我们怎么办呢?”他们问。
  • ' First, ' said Robert, ' I 'm going to get that baker's boy! ' And because he had very long legs,
  • “首先,”罗伯特说,“我要去找面包师的儿子!”因为他的腿很长,
  • he arrived at the bottom of the hill long before the baker's boy, who was stopping at the houses along the road to leave the bread.
  • 所以他远比面包师的儿子早到山脚下;那时那男孩还在沿路一家家地送面包呢。
  • Robert hid behind a haystack and waited for the boy.
  • 罗伯特藏在一个干草堆后,等着那男孩子。
  • When he saw the baker's boy coming, he jumped out from behind the haystack and the boy's mouth fell open in surprise.
  • 他看见那面包师的儿子走来时,就从草堆后边跳了出来,那男孩惊奇地张大嘴巴。
  • Then Robert took hold of him and put him on top of the haystack.
  • 罗伯特抓住他,把他放在草堆顶上。
  • ' Now get down from there, if you can! ' Robert said.
  • “你能下来就从那儿下来吧!”罗伯特说。
  • It was very late when the baker's boy got back to the shop, and the baker was very angry!
  • 面包师儿子回到店里时已很晚了,面包师很生气!
  • Then Robert and the others went home, and down to the bottom of the garden.
  • 罗伯特和其他几个孩子回到家,一直走到花园尽头。
  • Anthea asked Martha to bring their lunch out there.
  • 安西娅要马莎把午饭拿到外边那里去。
  • She knew that Robert was too big to get into the house.
  • 她知道罗伯特个子太高进不了屋子。
  • Of course, Martha could not see that Robert was much bigger than before, and she only gave him as much meat and potatoes as usual -- and no more.
  • 当然了,马莎看不出罗伯特比原来高得多,她只给他与平时一样多的肉和土豆——一点儿也没多给。
  • Poor Robert was very hungry.
  • 可怜的罗伯特非常饿。


Don't be stupid' he said.


But Robert pushed him back and knocked him over. The bread fell out of the boy's basket and went all over the road. The baker's boy was very angry. He hit Robert and they began to fight. But the baker's boy was much bigger and stronger than Robert. He was also not a nice fighterhe pulled Robert's hairkicked him in the legand hit him hard in the stomach. Then he picked up his breadput it back in the basketand went on his way.

可是罗伯特把他推搡回来并把他打倒了。面包从篮子里掉出来,撒了一地。面包师的儿子非常生气。他打了罗伯特一下,俩人打起架来。可面包师的儿子比罗伯 特大得多,也强壮得多。他也不是个有教养的斗士——他揪罗伯特的头发,踢他的腿,使劲打他的肚子。然后他拣起面包,把它放回篮子里,又上路了。

Cyril wanted to help Robertbut the girls held his arms and stopped him. So Cyril was angry with the girlsand everybody was unhappy. They went along to the gravel-pitand Robert began to kick the sand angrily. ' I'll teach that baker's boy a lesson one day'he said. 'I wish I was bigger than him'

西里尔想帮助罗伯特,但女孩于们拉着他的胳膊阻止了他。所以西里尔生她们的气;大家都不高兴。他们一起向砾石坑走去;罗伯特开始生气地踢沙子。“早晚有 一天我要教训教训面包师的儿子。”他说,“真希望我比他个子高!”

Just then they saw that the Psammead was sitting behind themand was watching them


The next minuteRobert had his wish. He was bigger than the baker's boyMuchmuch biggerHe was now more than three metres tallHe was not pleased because he looked very strange next to the otherswho were still small.

罗伯特的愿望马上实现了。他比面包师的儿子个子还高,高得多得多!他现在有三米多高!他不高兴,因为呆在其他几个孩子身旁他看起来很古怪,他们还是那 么小。

The others felt sorry for him thenand asked the Psammead for another wish . But the Psammead was very cross and un-helpful. 'Why don't you think before you wish'it said. ' He's a wildnoisy boyand he can stay like that for the day. It will do him good. Now go away and leave me alone'

其他孩子于是为罗伯特感到遗憾,要赛米德再实现一个愿望。但赛米德很生气,不肯帮忙。“为什么你不事先想好?”它说,“他是个放肆的、吵吵闹闹的男孩子, 就让他整个白天都这个样子吧。这对他有好处。现在走开吧,别打扰我了!”

The others turned back to their enormous brother. ' What are we going to do'They asked.


First'said Robert' I'm going to get that baker's boy'And because he had very long legshe arrived at the bottom of the hill long before the baker's boywho was stopping at the houses along the road to leave the bread.


Robert hid behind a haystack and waited for the boy . When he saw the baker's boy cominghe jumped out from behind the haystack and the boy's mouth fell open in surprise. Then Robert took hold of him and put him on top of the haystack.

罗伯特藏在一个干草堆后,等着那男孩子。他看见那面包师的儿子走来时,就从草堆后边跳了出来,那男孩惊奇地张大嘴巴。罗伯特抓住他,把他放在草堆顶上 。

Now get down from thereif you can' Robert said.


It was very late when the baker's boy got back to the shopand the baker was very angry


Then Robert and the others went homeand down to the bottom of the garden. Anthea asked Martha to bring their lunch out there. She knew that Robert was too big to get into the house. Of courseMartha could not see that Robert was much bigger than beforeand she only gave him as much meat and potatoes as usualand no more. Poor Robert was very hungry.

罗伯特和其他几个孩子回到家,一直走到花园尽头。安西娅要马莎把午饭拿到外边那里去。她知道罗伯特个子太高进不了屋子。当然了,马莎看不出罗伯特比原 来高得多,她只给他与平时一样多的肉和土豆——一点儿也没多给。可怜的罗伯特非常饿。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
enormous [i'nɔ:məs]


adj. 巨大的,庞大的

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

unhappy [ʌn'hæpi]


adj. 不快乐的,不高兴的





