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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The Queen was looking hard at Alice.
  • 王后盯着爱丽丝。
  • Now she said, "All people a mile high must leave the room."
  • 然后她说,“所有一英里高的人都得离开这个房间。”
  • "I'm not a mile high," said Alice.
  • “我没有一英里高,”爱丽丝说。
  • "And I won't leave the room. I want to hear the evidence."
  • “我也不离开这儿。我要听证词。”
  • "There is no more evidence," said the King very quickly, "and now the jury will—"
  • “再也没有证词了,”国王马上说,“现在陪审团要——”
  • "Your Majesty!" said the White Rabbit, jumping up in a great hurry.
  • “陛下!”白兔马上跳了起来。
  • "We've just found this letter. There's no name on it, but I think the Knave wrote it."
  • “我们刚刚找到这封信。上面没有名字,我想是红桃杰克写的。”
  • "No, I didn't!" said the Knave loudly.
  • “没有,我没写!”红桃杰克大声嚷道。
  • "Read it to us," said the King.
  • “念给我们听,”国王说。
  • "Where shall I begin, Your Majesty?" asked the Rabbit.
  • “从哪儿开始,陛下?”白兔问。
  • "Begin at the beginning," said the King, "and go on until you get to the end, then stop."
  • “从开头开始,”国王说,“念到结束停止。”
  • Everybody listened very carefully while the White Rabbit read these words.
  • 大家都仔细听白兔念。
  • They tell me you have been to her, and talked of me to him.
  • 他们告诉我你去过她那儿,还向他提起了我。
  • She thought I was a gardener, but said I could not swim.
  • 以为我是个园丁,但说我不会游泳。
  • He tells them that I have not gone, (We know that this is true).
  • 他告诉他们我还没有走,(我们知道这是真的)。
  • If she decides to hurry on, what will they do to you?
  • 如果她决定快点,他们将把你怎么样?
  • I gave her one, they gave him two, you gave us three or more.
  • 我给她一个,他们给他两个,你给我们三个以上。
  • They all returned from him to you, but they were mine before.
  • 他们都从他那儿回来去你那儿了,但他们以前属于我。
  • "That's a very important piece of evidence," said the King.
  • “这证词非常重要,”国王说。
  • He looked very pleased. "Now the jury must—"
  • 他很高兴。“现在陪审团——”
  • "If anybody in the jury can explain that letter," said Alice.
  • “如果陪审团有谁能解释这封信,”爱丽丝说。
  • (She was not afraid of anything now, because she was much bigger than everybody in the room.)
  • (她现在一点儿也不害怕,因为她现在比房间里任何一个人都大),
  • "I'll give him sixpence. It's all nonsense! It doesn't mean anything."
  • “我就给他六个便士。纯粹是胡说八道!什么也说明不了。”
  • The jury busily wrote this down. "She thinks it's all nonsense."
  • 陪审团赶快把这也记下来。“她认为这是胡说八道!”
  • "All nonsense, eh?" said the King.
  • “胡说八道,嗯?”国王说。
  • He read some of the words again.
  • 他又读了一段。
  • "But said I could not swim. You can't swim, can you?" he said to the Knave.
  • “但我不会游泳。你不会游泳,对吗?”他问红桃杰克。
  • The Knave's face was sad.
  • 红桃杰克脸上很悲伤。
  • "Do I look like a swimmer?" he said. (And he didn't—because he was made of paper.)
  • “我看起来像会游泳的吗?”他说。(他当然不会——他是纸做的。)
  • The King smiled.
  • 国王笑了起来。
  • "I understand everything now," he said.
  • “我现在全懂了。”他说。
  • "There are the tarts, and here is the Knave of Hearts. And now the jury must decide who the thief is."
  • “果馅饼在那儿,红桃杰克在这儿。现在陪审团必须决定谁是小偷。”
  • "No, no!" said the Queen. "Off with his head! The jury can say what it thinks later."
  • “不,不!”王后说。“砍掉他的头!陪审团以后再说它的决定。”
  • "What nonsense!" said Alice loudly. "The jury must decide first. You can't—"
  • “胡说!”爱丽丝大声说。“陪审团必须先做出决定。你不能——”
  • "Be quiet!" said the Queen, her face turning red.
  • “闭嘴!”王后说,脸都气红了。
  • "I won't!" said Alice.
  • “我不!”爱丽丝说。
  • "Off with her head!" screamed the Queen. Nobody moved.
  • “砍掉她的头!”王后尖叫着。没有人动。
  • "It doesn't matter what you say," said Alice. "You're only a pack of cards!"
  • “你说的话没什么用,”爱丽丝说。“你们不过是一副纸牌!”
  • Then the pack of cards flew up into the sky and began to fall on Alice's face.
  • 这时,所有的纸牌飞向天空,然后掉在爱丽丝的脸上。
  • She gave a little scream...and woke up.
  • 她尖叫了一声……然后醒来了。
  • She was lying next to her sister under the trees, and some leaves were falling on her face.
  • 她躺在树下,在姐姐身边,脸上有几片掉下来的树叶。
  • "Wake up, Alice dear," said her sister. "You've been asleep a long time."
  • “醒醒,爱丽丝,亲爱的,”姐姐说。“你睡了这么久。”
  • "Oh, I've had a very curious dream!" said Alice,
  • “哦,我做了一个非常奇怪的梦!”爱丽丝说,
  • and she told her sister all about the strange adventures in her wonderful dream.
  • 然后她给姐姐讲了自己在梦里的奇遇。


The Queen was looking hard at Alice.Now she said,"All people a mile high must leave the room."

"I'm not a mile high,"said Alice."And I won't leave the room.I want to hear the evidence."
"There is no more evidence,"said the King very quickly, "and now the jury will—"
"Your Majesty!"said the White Rabbitjumping up in a great hurry."We've just found this letter.There's no name on itbut I think the Knave wrote it."
"NoI didn't!"said the Knave loudly.
"Read it to us,"said the King.
"Where shall I beginYour Majesty?"asked the Rabbit.
"Begin at the beginning,"said the King,"and go on until you get to the endthen stop."
Everybody listened very carefully while the White Rabbit read these words.
They tell me you have been to her
And talked of me to him.
She thought I was a gardener
But said I could not swim.
He tells them that I have not gone
(We know that this is true).
If she decides to hurry on
What will they do to you?
I gave her onethey gave him two
You gave us three or more.
They all returned from him to you
But they were mine before.
"That's a very important piece of evidence,"said the King.He looked very pleased."Now the jury must—"
"If anybody in the jury can explain that letter,"said Aliceshe was not afraid of anything nowbecause she was much bigger than everybody in the room),"I'll give him sixpence.It's all nonsense!It doesn"t mean anything."
The jury busily wrote this down."She thinks it's all nonsense."
"All nonsenseeh?"said the King.He read some of the words again."But said I could not swim.You can't swimcan you?"he said to the Knave.
The Knave's face was sad."Do I look like a swimmer?"he said.(And he didn'tbecause he was made of paper.)
The King smiled."I understand everything now,"he said."There are the tartsand here is the Knave of Hearts.And now the jury must decide who the thief is."
"Nono!"said the Queen."Off with his head!The jury can say what it thinks later."
"What nonsense!"said Alice loudly."The jury must decide first.You can't—"
"Be quiet!"said the Queenher face turning red.
"I won't!"said Alice.
"Off with her head!"screamed the Queen.Nobody moved.
"It doesn't matter what you say,"said Alice."You're only a pack of cards!"
Then the pack of cards flew up into the sky and began to fall on Alice's face.She gave a little screamand woke up.She was lying next to her sister under the treesand some leaves were falling on her face.
"Wake upAlice dear,"said her sister."You've been asleep a long time."
"OhI've had a very curious dream!"said Aliceand she told her sister all about the strange adventures in her wonderful dream.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
jury ['dʒuəri]


n. 陪审团,评委会
adj. 临时用的

scream [skri:m]


n. 尖叫声
v. 尖叫,大笑

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

evidence ['evidəns]


n. 根据,证据
v. 证实,证明

curious ['kjuəriəs]


adj. 好奇的,奇特的


关键字: 有声读物 爱丽丝




