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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • This sounded better, so Alice turned back.
  • [by:可可英语网]
  • "Never get angry," said the Caterpillar.
  • 这听起来还差不多,爱丽丝转回来。
  • "Is that all!"said Alice, trying not to be angry.
  • “任何时候都别生气,”毛虫说。
  • "No," said the Caterpillar.
  • “就这些吗?”爱丽丝说,努力让自己别发火。
  • For some minutes it smoked its pipe and did not speak, but at last it took the pipe out of its mouth, and said,
  • “不,”毛虫说。
  • "So you've changed, have you! How tall do you want to be!"
  • 它吸着烟斗,好一会儿都没开口,最后把烟斗从嘴里抽出来,说道,
  • "I would like to be a little larger, sir, please," said Alice.
  • “你已经变过了,对吗?你想长多高?”
  • "Eight centimetres is really very small."
  • “我很想长高一点,”爱丽丝说。
  • For a while the Caterpillar smoked its pipe.
  • “80厘米实在太矮了。”
  • Then it shook itself, got down off the mushroom, and moved slowly away into the grass.
  • 毛虫吸了一会儿烟斗。
  • It did not look back at Alice, but said,
  • 然后它晃晃身子,从蘑菇上下来,慢慢地爬到草丛里。
  • "One side will make you taller, and the other side will make you shorter."
  • 它没有回头看看爱丽丝。只是说,
  • "One side of what!" thought Alice to herself.
  • “一边可以让你长高,另一边可以让你变矮。”
  • She did not say this aloud, but the Caterpillar said, "Mushroom."
  • “什么的一边?”爱丽丝心里想。
  • Then it moved away into the wood.
  • 她并没说出声来,可毛虫说,“蘑菇的。”
  • Alice looked at the mushroom carefully, but it was round, and did not have sides.
  • 然后它进了森林。
  • At last she broke off a piece in each hand from opposite sides of the mushroom.
  • 爱丽丝仔细看了看蘑菇,蘑菇是圆的,没有两边。
  • She ate some of the piece in her left hand, and waited to see what would happen.
  • 最后,她从蘑菇正相对的两边一手掰下一片。
  • A minute later her head was as high as the tallest tree in the wood, and she was looking at a sea of green leaves.
  • 她吃了点左手里的那片,然后等着看看会发生什么。
  • Then a bird appeared and began to fly around her head, screaming, "Egg thief! Egg thief! Go away!"
  • 一分钟后,她的头和森林里最高的树一样高,她看着那一片绿叶的海洋。
  • "I'm not an egg thief," said Alice.
  • 这时,有只小鸟出现了并绕着她的头飞,尖叫着:“偷蛋的贼,偷蛋的贼,滚开!”
  • "Oh no!" said the bird angrily. "But you eat eggs, don't you!"
  • “我不是偷蛋的贼,”爱丽丝说。
  • "Well, yes, I do, but I don't steal them," explained Alice quickly.
  • “不是?”小鸟生气地说。“但你吃蛋,对不对?”
  • "We have them for breakfast, you know."
  • “对,我吃蛋,但我不偷蛋,”爱丽丝赶忙解释。
  • "Then how do you get them, if you don't steal them!" screamed the bird.
  • “你知道,我们早饭吃蛋。”
  • This was a difficult question to answer,
  • “那么,如果不是偷,你们怎么弄到蛋的?”
  • so Alice brought up her right hand through the leaves and ate a little from the other piece of mushroom.
  • 这个问题很难回答,
  • She began to get smaller at once and, very carefully, she ate first from one hand, then from the other, until she was about twenty-five centimetres high.
  • 爱丽丝把右手从树叶间抽出来,吃了点那片蘑菇。
  • "That's better," she said to herself. "And now I must find that garden."
  • 她马上开始变小了,然后,她小心翼翼地吃点这片,吃点那片,直到她有25厘米那么高。
  • She began to walk through the wood, and after a while she came to a little house.
  • “这还差不多,”她对自己说。“现在我得找到那个花园。”

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This sounded betterso Alice turned back.

"Never get angry,"said the Caterpillar.
"Is that all!"said Alicetrying not to be angry.
"No,"said the Caterpillar.For some minutes it smoked its pipe and did not speakbut at last it took the pipe out of its mouthand said,"So you've changedhave you!How tall do you want to be!"
"I would like to be a little largersirplease,"said Alice."Eight centimetres is really very small."
For a while the Caterpillar smoked its pipe.Then it shook itselfgot down off the mushroomand moved slowly away into the grass.It did not look back at Alicebut said,"One side will make you tallerand the other side will make you shorter."
"One side of what!"thought Alice to herself.
She did not say this aloudbut the Caterpillar said, "mushroom."Then it moved away into the wood.
Alice looked at the mushroom carefullybut it was roundand did not have sides.At last she broke off a piece in each hand from opposite sides of the mushroom.She ate some of the piece in her left handand waited to see what would happen.
A minute later her head was as high as the tallest tree in the woodand she was looking at a sea of green leaves.Then a bird appeared and began to fly around her headscreaming, "Egg thief!Egg thief!Go away!"
"I'm not an egg thief,"said Alice.
"Oh no!"said the bird angrily."But you eat eggsdon't you!"
"WellyesI dobut I don't steal them,"explained Alice quickly."We have them for breakfastyou know."
"Then how do you get themif you don't steal them!" screamed the bird.
This was a difficult question to answerso Alice brought up her right hand through the leaves and ate a little from the other piece of mushroom.She began to get smaller at once andvery carefullyshe ate first from one handthen from the otheruntil she was about twenty-five centimetres high.
"That's better,"she said to herself."And now I must find that garden."She began to walk through the woodand after a while she came to a little house.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

caterpillar ['kætə.pilə]


n. 毛虫 卡特彼勒(财富500强公司之一,总部所在地美

mushroom ['mʌʃrum]


n. 蘑菇,菌菇状物,暴发户
vi. 扩张,迅


关键字: 有声读物 爱丽丝




