Chapter 2 The Card
2 名片
So next day, at seven o'clock, I came to the shop in a cab. There were not very many people in the road, be-cause it was early in the morning. In November it is dark at seven o'clock in the morning, and I could not see the shop very well. I waited five minutes. A postman walked past. Then the door of the shop opened, and the creature, Merrick , came out.
I could not see his face or his body. He had an enormous black hat on his head, like a big box. A grey cloth came down from the hat, in front of his face. There was a hole in the cloth in front of his eyes. He could see out of the hole but I could not see in. He wore a long black coat, too. The coat began at his neck, and ended at his feet, so I could not see his arms, his body, or his legs. On his feet he wore big shoes, like old bags.
He had a stick in his left hand, and he walked very slowly. I opened the door of the cab, and got out.
'Good morning, Mr Merrick, 'I said. 'Can you get in?'
'Elpmyupasteps, 'he said.
'I'm sorry, 'I said. 'I don't understand. '
For a minute he stood by the door of the cab and said nothing. Then he hit the cab with his stick.
'STEPS! 'he said loudly. 'Help me up the steps! '
Then I understood. There were three steps up into the cab, and he could not get up them.
'Yes, I see. I'm sorry, 'I said. 'Let me help you. '
I took his left hand and began to help him. My right hand was behind his back. I felt very strange. His left hand was like a young woman's, but his back under the coat, was horrible. I could feel the bags of old skin on his back under the coat.
He put one enormous foot on the first step, and then he stopped. After a minute, he moved his second foot slowly. Then he stopped and waited again.
他一只大脚先迈上了头一个台阶,就停下了。过了一会儿,又慢慢地挪动另外一只脚,然后又停了下来再次等着。 OK阅读网