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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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"Things are worse than ever,"thought poor Alice.She turned away from the doorand fell into salt waterright up to her neck.At first she thought it was the seabut then she saw it was the pool of tears.Her tears.Crying makes a lot of tears when you are three metres tall.

"Ohwhy did I cry so much?"said Alice.She swam around and looked for a way outbut the pool was very big.Just then she saw an animal in the water near her.It looked like a large animal to Alicebut it was only a mouse.
"Shall I speak to it?"thought Alice."Everything's very strange down hereso perhaps a mouse can talk."
So she began:"Oh Mousedo you know the way out of this poolI am very tired of swimmingoh Mouse!"(Alice did not know if this was the right way to speak to a mouse.But she wanted to be polite.)
The mouse looked at her with its little eyesbut it said nothing.
"Perhaps it doesn't understand English,"thought Alice."Perhaps it's a French mouse."So she began againand said in French:"Where is my cat?"(This was the first sentence in her French lesson-book.)
The mouse jumped half out of the water and looked at her angrily.
"OhI'm so sorry!"cried Alice quickly."Of courseyou don't like catsdo you?"
"Like cats?"cried the mouse in a highangry voice."Does any mouse like cats?"
"Wellperhaps not,"Alice began kindly.
But the mouse was now swimming quickly awayand soon Alice was alone again.At last she found her way out of the pool and sat down on the ground.She felt very lonely and unhappy.But after a while the White Rabbit came past againlooking for his white gloves and his fan.
"The DuchessThe DuchessOh my ears and whiskersShe'll cut my head offI know she willOhwhere did I drop my gloves?"Then he saw Alice."WhyMary Annwhat are you doing hereRun home at onceand bring me some gloves and a fan.Quicknow!"
Alice hurried away."But where is his house?"she thought while she ran.Strangelyshe was no longer in the long room with the little doorbut outside in a wood.She ran and ran but could not see a house anywhereso she sat down under a flower to rest.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

unhappy [ʌn'hæpi]


adj. 不快乐的,不高兴的

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮


关键字: 有声读物 爱丽丝




