《蜘蛛侠:关闭黑暗》是一部耗资6000万美元的巨制,其间仅演员阵容就换了好几次,唯一没变动过的就是女导演朱丽·泰莫(Julie Taymor)和作曲U2乐队的Bono和“The Edge”了。 此外,此次音乐剧的主演“蜘蛛侠”彼得?帕克将由瑞夫·卡尼(Reeve Carney),他是一名歌手兼演员。本期做客节目的他,轻声一展歌喉……
All right, well, the last question I ask everybody that's on the show always has to do with music and always has to do with doing a riddle snippet of some song that means something to you.
Now doesn't have to be from Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark.
It could, may be it's something that a song you always like, maybe that you wrote, maybe that is a part of it that would be something that resonates to you about the character that you are playing.
Oh, man, what would I do? The thing that could kind of pull me into music was probably Billy Joel's "For the Longest Time."
I don't know why, but I cannot remember the lyrics though. I remember the chorus. Hum, I don't want to screw it up because it is such a beautiful song. “Whoa, for the longest time, whoa, for the longest…” cannot remember, oh, I know it is: “If I say goodbye to you tonight, there will still be music left to write.” Hum, what's the rest of it? ... “I intend to hold you for the longest time.” But I don't remember…I screwed, I mixed them. I mixed the verses.
But it's not only nice, it is appropriate, you know, because you waited the longest time for Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark though, but then now it is…
Thanks Peter, thanks so much.