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时间:2011-12-31 11:24:14 来源:可可英语 编辑:lily  每天三分钟英语轻松学

Griphook was yet another goblin. Once Hagrid had crammed all the dog biscuits back inside his pockets, he and Harry followed Griphook toward one of the doors leading off the hall.

“What's the You-Know-What in vault seven hundred and thirteen?” Harry asked.


“Can't tell yeh that,” said Hagrid mysteriously. “Very secret. Hogwarts business. Dumbledore's trusted me. More'n my job's worth ter tell yeh that.”



Griphook held the door open for them. Harry, who had expected more marble, was surprised. They were in a narrow stone passageway lit with flaming torches. It sloped steeply downward and there were little railway tracks on the floor. Griphook whistled and a small cart came hurtling up the tracks toward them. They climbed in — Hagrid with some difficulty — and were off.


At first they just hurtled through a maze of twisting passages. Harry tried to remember, left, right, right, left, middle fork, right, left, but it was impossible. The rattling cart seemed to know its own way, because Griphook wasn't steering.


Harry's eyes stung as the cold air rushed past them, but he kept them wide open. Once, he thought he saw a burst of fire at the end of a passage and twisted around to see if it was a dragon, but too late — they plunged even deeper, passing an underground lake where huge stalactites and stalagmites grew from the ceiling and floor.


“I never know,” Harry called to Hagrid over the noise of the cart, “what's the difference between a stalagmite and a stalactite?”


“Stalagmite's got an 'm' in it,” said Hagrid. “An' don' ask me questions just now, I think I'm gonna be sick.”

"钟乳石这个单词有个'm '在里面。"海格说,"不要问我问题了,我要吐了。"

He did look very green, and when the cart stopped at last beside a small door in the passage wall, Hagrid got out and had to lean against the wall to stop his knees from trembling.


Griphook unlocked the door. A lot of green smoke came billowing out, and as it cleared, Harry gasped. Inside were mounds of gold coins. Columns of silver. Heaps of little bronze Knuts.


“All yours,” smiled Hagrid.


All Harry's — it was incredible. The Dursleys couldn't have known about this or they'd have had it from him faster than blinking. How often had they complained how much Harry cost them to keep? And all the time there had been a small fortune belonging to him, buried deep under London.


Hagrid helped Harry pile some of it into a bag.


“The gold ones are Galleons,” he explained. “Seventeen silver Sickles to a Galleon and twenty-nine Knuts to a Sickle, it's easy enough. Right, that should be enough fer a couple o' terms, we'll keep the rest safe for yeh.” He turned to Griphook. “Vault seven hundred and thirteen now, please, and can we go more slowly?”


“One speed only,” said Griphook.



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