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里奇·格威斯,英国著名喜剧演员,曾获金球奖3次,多次艾美奖,另外有16次获得其他奖项。他曾出演过《办公室》,这是英国电视剧史上最优秀的喜剧之一,获得多项大奖,同时Ricky Gervais也成了一个家喻户晓的名字。本期做客的他要谈谈他的脾气,到底年过50的他脾气是不是越来越好了呢?

-I can't believe this. You had a birthday and it's 50 years old.You're not 50 years old. Are you really 50 years old?


-Yeah,50, 50. Yeah.


-Imean you look tremendous. You look like you're thirty-five. But somebody asked me how... old. I said thirty-five. Thirty-five,honestly, you look exactly like you did in the first, except you are in better shape. Remember you used to come out, you're sort of pair shape when you come out. Now you look great. You look


-You didn't say that at that time though, did you?


-No,I didn't know. I didn't know what to think.


-We'll,now, you said you look good now, because I looked awful before,that's all your saying. I need you to say it before. You are in pair shape, better work, how faster, but now...


-But how do you feel at your fifty? Good, right?


-Well,yeah. I'm grumpier. I think I'm grumpier.Yeah, yeah,I understand you a lot more. Now, if you know what I mean, no.




-No,really, I saw, I saw, a nowhere you're coming from now. I has wondered why. And that, but it happens so...


-You wondered why.


-You know what I mean, I'm in that club now. I'm in that club, that grumpy club. I will tell all of you. No, no. I mean the young people,they go, when they never like them, you know, but they will be. They will be. It happens. I was at yesterday. But now, I'm in that club,that grump old club. I like it.


-I'm a grumpy old man.


-So am I.


-Do you think maybe it's sixty, it'll get even worse?


-I don't know, because you said I look bad and I did it for it.

-Oh,you look much better than you did when I first met you.

-Yeah,so this carries on. If you look at a graph, I should be, I'd likeJohnny Depp when I'm about seventy.


-That's right. Yeah. Hum. Yeah. You could call me what that happens.



  1. tremendous a. 巨大的
  2. grumpier n. 坏脾气的人
重点单词   查看全部解释    
understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

hum [hʌm]


n. 嗡嗡声,哼声,杂声
vi. 发低哼声,哼

graph [grɑ:f]


n. 图表,示意图
vt. (以图表)表示


关键字: 里奇 威斯 访谈录




