Well , let's call it a day, what do you say? My dear friends from Keke net? 哈,juliet在这里是即学即用了。I think you'll go to work, so do I. Still , at the end of the programme, as usual, I would like to leave some translation exercises for you to do so as to absorb today's lesson. Please translate the following sentences.
1 今晚出去看戏,你说好吗?
2 去散会儿步怎么样?
3 要是你能干你就前途无量!你觉得呢?
4 我们就此算了吧,你说呢?
5 我们在周末开个派对,你觉得怎么样?
6 那就不一样了,你说呢?
7 我们去吃点东西,你看怎么样?
8 你暂不赞成我们一起去经商呀?
9 我主张这一项展缓,你看怎么样?
9 你说对不对:我们犯不着去打这些小算盘?
10 老程寻思了半天:“我去告诉王先生一声儿好不好?”《骆驼祥子》