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A Girl's Guide To Looking Good Naked

How to look good naked. This definitive guide provide some great techniques on how to look good naked through grooming, setting the scene, and accessories. A great video to enhance your confidence, so come on girls, get naked and look great.

Step 1: Long term fixes(长期保养)

You only have the one body so look after it well. Everyday drink at least 2 litres of water, and exercise regularly to keep you looking your best. This needn't take over your life - just 10 minutes a day will make a difference.

Your skin puts up with a lot of flak, so treat it right; exfoliate once a week and moisturize often. Not only does this increase you skins elasticity but the act of smoothing on lotion puts you directly in touch with the shape and feel of your body.

Step 2: Grooming(打扮打扮)

Before you bare your body take time to look your best. Defuzz any areas that are looking unkempt, this includes legs, arm pits and don't neglect your bikini area. Pubic topiary is all the rage right now - choose from a neat triangle, the strip, the full Brazilian, a heart, or whatever takes your fancy.

Fake tan can do wonders to boost your confidence, try the new gradually colour products to get a natural sun kissed look rather than the baked orange effect.

Your hair should look natural and touchable, your make-up flawless, and an alluring hint of perfume never goes a miss.

Finish the look with a pedi and mani, well kept hands and feet instantly make you look polished and prepared.

Step 3: Set the scene(设置场景)

There is nothing more unflattering than the glare of over head lighting, so leave that switch alone. Get a soft, gentle glow by placing low wattage lamps around the room. Or for real impact light some candles, the seductive flicker will blur out any imperfections and create an amorous atmosphere.

Back lighting is great for smoothing out lumps and bumps so position yourself in front the strongest light, or in front of a window if you are getting naked before nightfall. But don't forget, those outside will also be able to see in!

Get the room temperature right. Although the cold will make your breasts stand to attention, shivering with hunched shoulders isn't a sexy look. A glow is good, but sweating profusely is not.

Step 4: Work it(付诸实施)

Avoid the temptation to suck in your tummy, it will make you appear stilted and unnatural. Instead imagine you are suspended by an thread on the top of your head, this will elongate all your body parts, especially your neck and middle.

Aim to stand on the diagonal, with a twist at the waist to the front instead of facing your viewer straight on - this will natural cinch you in.

Drop your shoulders down and subtly arch your back, this will flatten your belly and make your boobs appear perkier. Love handles are called that for a reason so stop fretting over them, it's curves that make the naked body interesting - so be proud of yours.

Whether standing, walking or sitting down aim to keep one leg in front of the other, this slims the body. And when sitting, a quick trick to elongate your legs is to point your toes.

Eye contact is crucial, it makes all the difference between being just a naked body, or somebody naked, so use it wisely. Keep your hands relaxed and free, or place one on your hip to emphasis your curves. And whatever you do - don't fiddle.

Step 5: Accessorize(装饰)

Accentuate your nakedness with a prop or accessory. A necklace, scarf or feather boa are great, but don't be afraid to go with something a little more unusual. This will give you something to work with if you are a little nervous, and also, tantalizingly, emphasises your au natural state.

Get confident and get naked. No one else has a body like yours - so show it off in all it's glory.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景

flatten ['flætn]


v. 变单调,变平,打倒

switch [switʃ]


n. 开关,转换,鞭子
v. 转换,改变,交换

elasticity [elæs'tisəti]


n. 弹力,弹性,伸缩性

necklace ['neklis]


n. 项链

perfume ['pə:fju:m,pə'fju:m]


n. 香水,香气
vt. 使香气弥漫

neglect [ni'glekt]


vt. 忽视,疏忽,忽略
n. 疏忽,忽视

waist [weist]


n. 腰,腰部

subtly ['sʌtli]


adv. 敏锐地,巧妙地,精细地

groom [gru:m]


n. 马夫,新郎,男仆
vt. 刷洗,照看马,






