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时间:2011-03-24 11:01:43 来源:scientificamerican 编辑:sunny  每天三分钟英语轻松学


1896 X Ray Machine Shows How Far We've Come

X rays are so common today you probably never stop to think about them. They help check a broken wrist, a sprained ankle, the state of our teeth. But a little more than a century ago, x ray machines provided a revolution in medicine, allowing doctors to look inside the body. And now scientists in the Netherlands have gotten a chance to look at how the original technology functioned.

A first-generation anatomical imaging x ray machine was built in Holland in early 1896. Advances to the technology came quickly, and that first machine was relegated to an old warehouse. Then a year ago, a Dutch radiologist got his hands on the machine and dusted it off. He and colleagues tested it using a cadaver hand. They published their research in the journal Radiology. [Martijn Kemerink et al, Characteristics of a First-Generation X-Ray System]

They found that an x ray image that requires just 21 milliseconds today would have taken 90 minutes in 1896. And the radiation exposure would have been 1,500 times greater than modern technology’s. Early x ray operators and researchers thus often suffered burns and other maladies. The scientists wrote that the images they produced with the ancient machine were severely blurred—but still awe-inspiring.

—Cynthia Graber


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