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Forever George永远的乔治

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The band’ s break-up seemed to plunge Harrison into depression.Ironically,in the immediate post-break-up period Harrison’s solo career seemed to leap ahead of both Lennon’s and McCartney’s.His triple album,All Things Must Pass,released in late 1970,was a massive British and American hit.With it came an international number one single,the mantra-like My Sweet Lord.A year later he conceived the two charity Concerts for Bangladesh at New York’s Madison Square Garden,persuading superstar friends such as Clapton,Bob Dylan and Leon Russell to perform gratis5) for the famine-stricken6) mill ions of former East Pakistan.
One tribute7) once called him“a great humanitarian”;if that was putting it rather strong,the Concert for Bangladesh undoubtedly gave rock its first inkling of social conscience,paving the way for Live Aid and similar events in the 1980s.
In the early 1980s a wholly unexpected new career beckoned thanks to Harrison’s friendship with Michael Palin and other members of the Monty Python team.The Pythons were in the midst of making their hilariously8) sacrilegious9) Life of Brian film,but suddenly had the plug pulled on them by their backers.Harrison stepped in,mortgaging Friar Park to raise enough for the film to be completed.
It was the basis of a production company,HandMade,part-owned by Harrison,which led the British film renaissance of the1980s with memorable productions such as Mona Lisa and The Long Good Friday.
With HandMade prospering,he also enjoyed a minor musical renaissance with a surprise hit single,Got My Mind Set on You.
Harrison’s death is a tragedy for his family and many friends.He was no giant.But he was the indispensable limb of a giant――the most powerful engine for creating human happiness that the entertainment world has ever seen.



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