Korean heartthrob 'Rain' performed a solo concert called the "Legend of Rainism" at the Asia World Expo Arena on Saturday. Thousands of Rain's fans gathered to see their idol at the prime venue.
During the concert, the singer performed "Billie Jean" as a tribute to the late 'King of Pop,' Michael Jackson.
Rain's latest concert tour kicked off in Tokyo in August. He will perform in Seoul at the Gymnastics stadium at Olympic Park on the 9th and 10th of December.
Rain plays the lead character in the film "Ninja Assassin", and he will be promoting the film on his world tour.
The singer has released five albums included "Rainism" in 2008, "Rain's World" in 2006 and "It's Raining" in 2004. All sold successfully in Asia.
After two nights in Hong Kong, Rain will perform in Jakarta, Shanghai, and Las Vegas.