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美剧随身听之绯闻女孩 第3篇

时间:2009-10-27 14:24:59 来源:可可英语 编辑:alex  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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美剧随身听之绯闻女孩 第3篇

[00:01.00]Design a dress for this woman.Blair,
[00:04.09]if you're gonna wear one of my designs,
[00:05.73]tell me so we can at least get it properly fitted.
[00:12.50]Keep that in mind.
[00:14.28]Great party.
[00:15.94]She is mybestadvertisement.
[00:18.44]So,nate,you started thinking about college?
[00:20.57]Well,actually,I'm a dartmouth man.
[00:23.38]Yes,dad's always spoken very highly of dartmouth,
[00:25.83]but I'd like to check out west.
[00:26.91]You know,maybe u.S.C.,u.C.L.A....
[00:28.71]His mother wouldn't hear of it.
[00:29.82]Dartmouth is far enough away for her.
[00:33.28]Yes,well,dartmouth is my first choice.
[00:35.90]Excuse me,captain.
[00:37.53]Nate,can I borrow you?
[00:39.10]Uh,sure. Will you excuse me for a second?
[00:44.12]Any interest in some fresh air?
[00:46.87]When I get back?
[00:48.02]Ifhe gets back.
[00:51.96]what's going on?
[00:54.03]I wanna do this...
[00:55.13]It... Now.
[00:56.96]- Nownow? - yeah.
[00:58.29]I thought you wanted to wait.
[00:59.31]Not anymore.
[01:00.56]Better lock it down with nate,b. Clock's ticking.
[01:03.28]Oh,my god! You'll never believe what's on "gossip girl."
[01:05.50]someone saw serena getting off the train at grand central.
[01:08.08]Good. Things were getting a little dull around here.

相关热词搜索: 美剧随身听

上一篇:美剧随身听之绯闻女孩 第2篇

下一篇:美剧随身听之绝望的主妇 第13篇


美剧随身听之绝望的主妇 第1篇
美剧随身听之绝望的主妇 第1篇[00:00.50]My name is Mary Alice Young.[00:03.09]When you read this morning's paper, you may come across an article[00:06.51]about t

时间:2009-10-16 作者:admin

美剧随身听之绝望的主妇 第2篇
美剧随身听之绝望的主妇 第2篇[00:00.50]My body was discovered by my neighbor mrs. Martha Huber,[00:05.09]who had been startled by a strange popping sound.[00:08

时间:2009-10-17 作者:admin

美剧随身听之绝望的主妇 第3篇
美剧随身听之绝望的主妇 第2篇[00:00.50]It's my neighbor. I think she's been shot.[00:02.88]There's blood everywhere.[00:04.59]Yes. You've got to send an ambulan

时间:2009-10-17 作者:admin

