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影视听力 第43期:The Answer Man精神导师之梦

时间:2009-10-27 10:48:02 来源:可可英语 编辑:sunny  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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Twenty years ago, an unknown writer spoke to God and heard the answers. His book became the greatest inspirational best-seller of all time and the public has yearned to meet its reclusive author.

I'm hoping to meet him.
You'd hate him.
Hell is other people.
I actually said in his presence.
Hey, pretend person, if you've done hallucinating, I could love a shot being a customer at this place.
You are a disaster, Arlen.
It's all meaningless bull.. What? Oh, my back is out.
Try asking God for help.
Any objection to me being next?
We have a real patient.
You are so amazing.
Thank you, Arlen.
That's Arlen Faber?
Who's Arlen Faber?
Elizabeth, I would like to go out with you. I'd like to go out with you and I hope you will call me back on my phone, the one here. Fuck.
I need to take control.
I heard you out here.
Hey, Arlen.
Hi, Alex. Great kid.
Yeah. Thanks. I bet you had some great parties here.
Oh, no. No one has been in here for five years.
He doesn't want anyone to know who he is.
Maybe it's because he is supposed to have all that answers and he's a disaster.
I don't usually go for watch the people.
I could use you little advice every now and then. I'm willing to make you a deal.
Make him pay for his questions of books?
Totally fair.
No, it's not. It's awful.
You haven't heard the questions.
I'm blowing it again, aren't I?
Look, you're complicated and confusing. Alex and I don't need that in our lives right now.
Yes, you do.

Jeff Daniels
I want her to like me.
Lauren Graham
But you're still a little out of whack. But you resemble something further along the evolutionary chart.
Lou Taylor Pucci.
Do I have a destiny? or is it all free will?
The pal Arlen is speaking is Taylor. But he gets busy.
I'm not a guy with answers.
So you are just like the rest of us?
Er, not yet, but I'm trying.
The Answer Man.

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