Gentlemen, we can save Europe from total destruction.
We have to show the world, that not all of us were like him.
This is too great to risk. It doesn't change what we must do.
What did you have in mind?
You can serve Germany, or the Führer. Not both.
It's just that talk that had you sent here, Colonel.
What I said is much worse.
I am a soldier, but in serving my country, I have betrayed my conscience.
We need to re-organize.
And there has to be a chance of success.
That is why you are here.
Hitler’s Germany has seen its last sunrise.
Can I count you in?
Any problem on earth can be solved with the careful application of high explosives.
The trick is not to be around when they go off.
Ten minutes, one for the check point, two for the walk, one to the booker, six to get out of there, plenty of time.
But remember nothing ever goes according to plan.
Operation Valkyrie is in effect.
If they catch you, they will pull you apart.
If I fail, they will come for you, all of you.
I know.
Do you realize what you've done?
We’ve been discovered.
Every second we stand, is a second lost.
You have to leave tonight. You will do exactly as I say.
What we do is just stronger than the very momentum of history.
My Führer, may I present Colonel Stauffenberg?