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影视听力 第19期:The Counterfeiters伪钞制造者

时间:2009-09-24 10:16:08 来源:可可英语 编辑:sunny  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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20世纪30年代,二次大战如火如荼。而萨利(Karl Markovics卡尔•马克维斯 饰)凭借一手高超的伪造技巧春风得意,佳肴美女信手拈来,好不自在。但是他的好日子并为持续多久,很快他便因为遭罪被逮捕,随后投入毛特豪森集中营。
本片根据阿道夫•博格(Adolf Burger)原著《魔鬼工厂》(The Devils Workshop),书中所述为作者亲身经历,影片荣获2008年奥斯卡最佳外语片奖和2007年德国电影金像奖最佳男配角奖(Devid Striesow)。



The Counterfeiters is a new film by the Austrian director Stefan Ruzowitzky. It's a concentration camp survivor story. The survivor in question is a Berlin criminal mastermind named Sally Sorowitsch, a Jewish counterfeiter played by a remarkable actor named Karl Markovics.

Sorowitsch finds himself in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp during World War II and he is forced to help the Nazis with this scheme called Operation Bernhard, which was a plan to fake the currencies of their enemies, the pound and the dollar, and flood the markets of the United States and Britain with this fake money, thus destroying their economies.

This is a very fast moving, very suspenseful movie, and it turns really on the ethical dilemmas facing Sorowitsch. He is a thief but a man of some honor. The question that the film raises very starkly and effectively is what are the rules of survival in a place like a concentration camp. Do you do everything you can to stay alive, do you some obligation to your fellow inmates, er, or do you have some obligation even to the larger cause that is should you, if it means staying alive, go ahead and help your pressers, your captors, do something that may even lead to their victory.

This is a soundly-made movie doesn't really break any new ground in holocaust films, but it does have a remarkable performance. I think Karl Markovics as Sally Sorowitsch brings so much intensity and understatement to the role, that he really carries the film. It's a very interesting film, er in some way it's a modest one, but quite effective.

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