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英语听力入门2000 第一册 Unit 10:For Peace and Development(a

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[00:02.00]Unit 10 For Peace and Development
[00:04.99]Part I
[00:07.73]Warming up
[00:10.79]A:Key words:
[00:18.36]exports trade surplus gross domestic product(GDP)
[00:28.50]annual growth foreign in vestment
[00:34.35]foreign exchange reserves
[00:43.47]surplus gross domestic product
[00:49.42]fold capital reserve
[00:56.27]Listen to some statements about China's economic development.
[01:01.94]Fill in the blanks with numbers.
[01:05.78]1.In 1998,Chinese exports totald____.
[01:19.54]Its imports were worth____,leaving a record rtabe surplus of___
[01:34.09]and making China the largest exporter in the developing world.
[01:40.44]2.In terms of overall gross domestic producet,
[01:47.81]China is now the world's___largest economy.
[01:53.45]3.Over the last 20 years,
[01:59.61]GDP has increased 16-fold and now stands above___per person per year.
[02:10.06]4.Since 1980,annual growth has averaged___.
[02:20.09]5.Since the beginning of the 1990s
[02:27.57]China is second only to the terms of foreign investment.
[02:34.02]Some___of overseas capital flows into China every year.
[02:42.80]6.China has accumulated the world's___stock of foreign
[02:50.95]of foreign exchange reserves after Japan,at___.
[03:00.22]B:Key words:
[03:07.06]trabe area expand trade World Bank
[03:16.02]International Monetary Fund(IMF)
[03:21.27]OPEC production quotas unemployment rate
[03:29.61]share prices the Dow Jones Industrial Average
[03:42.15]quota stabilize share stock
[03:51.50]the Dow Jones Industrial Average
[03:55.94]Listen to some news headines.Supply the missing information.
[04:02.60]1.Delegates to the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference in Indonesia
[04:13.05]have agreed to a plan to create___during the next 25 years.
[04:23.03]2.Finance ministers from 18 Asian nations
[04:32.17]are considering proposals to pay for developing___during the next 10 years.
[04:44.42]The ministers say they need many thousands of millions of dollars
[04:51.79]for such development.
[04:55.05]3.Leaders of East Asian countries have gathered for a meeting Sunday.
[05:04.90]They are expected to discuss____.
[05:10.78]4.The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund
[05:19.74]have ended their talks in Washington with a promise to____of poor countries.
[05:29.27]5.OPEC oil ministers have decided to raise
[05:36.51]production quotas by as much as___to stabilize world oil prices.
[05:43.64]6.In other financial news,China's government
[05:50.62]says the country's economy grew by___in 1999.
[05:57.46]That was a slightly higher than Beijing's target for the year.
[06:02.63]The country's gross domestic product is reportedly about____for 1999.
[06:10.36]7.In Washington,the United States Labor Department has announced
[06:19.79]that the country's unemployment rate has fallen to____.
[06:27.84]That is the lowest unemployment level since 1990.
[06:34.48]8.Share prices on the New York stock market have closed higher
[06:45.52]as stock prices increased following the market's huge loss on Friday.
[06:54.17]The Dow Jones Industrial Average increased___points or____.
[07:05.72]C:Key words:
[07:12.98]transfer the Panama Canal control
[07:26.51]transfer hoist
[07:31.37]Listen to a short news item about the Panama Canal handover.
[07:37.43]Write down every word you hear.
[07:41.69]The news item will be read to you three times.
[07:46.55]Duning the first reading,which will be read at normal speed,
[07:52.19]listen and try to understand the meaning.
[07:56.55]For the second reading,
[07:59.71]the passage will be read sentence by sentence or phrase by phrase.
[08:06.24]Do the activity during the secord reading.
[08:10.50]The third reading will be read at normal speed again
[08:15.57]and during this time you should check your work.
[09:21.71]Part II
[09:30.46]The Panama Canal handover
[09:36.42]Key words:
[09:41.28]the Panama Canal 19th century hard labor cut off
[09:53.74]engineering marvels relinquish control of
[10:07.14]swamp jungle malaria deposit
[10:16.70]lock toll marvel
[10:23.78]relinquish coincide
[10:29.24]A:Listen to three short paragraphs about the Panama Canal.
[10:36.19]Draw lines to match the paragraph number with its main idea.
[12:16.03]B:Listen to the following news item.
[12:21.28]Complete the summary and details.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
announced [ə'naunst]



surplus ['sə:pləs]


adj. 多余的,过剩的
n. 过剩,剩余物,

vestment ['vestmənt]


n. (尤指牧师的)法衣,官服

conference ['kɔnfərəns]


n. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会

canal [kə'næl]


n. 运河,沟渠,气管,食管
vt. 建运河,

reserve [ri'zə:v]


n. 预备品,贮存,候补
n. 克制,含蓄

stock [stɔk]


n. 存货,储备; 树干; 血统; 股份; 家畜

pacific [pə'sifik]


n. 太平洋
adj. 太平洋的

fold [fəuld]


n. 折层,折痕
vt. 折叠,包,交叉,拥抱

domestic [də'mestik]


adj. 国内的,家庭的,驯养的
n. 家仆,





