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英语听力入门2000 第一册 Unit1:Happy New Millennium(a)

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[00:03.00]Unit 1 Happy New Millennium!
[00:04.78]Part 1
[00:07.65]Warming up
[00:10.53]Key words:
[00:15.57]millennium celebration
[00:25.81]chime millennium prospective
[00:32.97]gala countdown fanfare
[00:39.52]Kiribati Vietnam Hanoi
[00:46.58]Bangkok Egypt
[00:51.04]The world has entered the 21st century.
[00:55.59]Here are some brief reports of "Happy New Millennium" celebrations.
[01:01.65]Now listen and enjoy.
[01:05.41]Supply the missing words.
[01:09.07]1.The world is greeting the year 2000 with much celebration.
[01:18.84]The first nation to celebrate was Kiribati in the Pacific Ocean.
[01:25.97]2.In China,President Jiang Zemin
[01:32.81]lit a fire to represent thousands of years of Chinese civilization.
[01:40.86]The traditional_____begins in February.
[01:47.02]3.___covering two continents will have the world's longest New Year celebrations.
[01:57.60]4.Former____President Nelson Mandela says
[02:06.07]he is hoping for a safer and more caring world in the next century.
[02:14.43]The former President also said
[02:18.79]science has given the world new ways to meet the needs of wold population.
[02:27.54]5.Welcome from London.Welcome from the BBC World Service to the 21st century.
[02:38.77]The year 2000 has arrived in____when the chimes of London's Big Ben signaled midnight.
[02:45.93]Huge crowds cheered as spectacular fireworks displays
[02:51.10]went along several kilometers of the Thames.
[02:55.83]6.Welcome to the Pacific,welcome to Millennium Island.
[03:03.98]Very shortly we and the tiny Republic of Kiribati
[03:08.94]will take the word's very first step into the year 2000.
[03:14.82]7.____is greeting the new millennium with fire works and parties.
[03:23.28]As the clock struck midnight,
[03:26.94]thousands of people braved rain showers to attend midnight celebration,
[03:32.58]fireworks and concerts.
[03:35.95]8.____a firework display lit up the sky over Sydney's famous harbor
[03:44.78]at the stroke of midnight.
[03:47.81]Earlier,the new century began its 24-hour march around the globe
[03:54.34]in the tiny South Pacific island nation of Kiribati.
[03:59.70]9.Joyous celebrations took place across____to celebrate the turn of the century
[04:08.48]and the start of the new millennium.
[04:12.24]____,tens of thousands of people started the New Year at the race track,
[04:18.30]where a horse race began just after midnight.
[04:23.34]10.More than 3,500 people lined____Orchard Road to cheer the new century
[04:33.01]while hundreds of balloons were released into the sky.
[04:38.36]11.____,hundreds of thousands of people crowded the
[04:45.34]streets of Hanoi and Huzhiming City.
[04:49.28]12.Two thousand couples from around the world gathered in ____ today
[04:56.65]to mark the New Year with a mass wedding.
[05:00.77]The day-long ceremony began in the morning with grooms neeting their prospective
[05:06.73]brides and exchanging gifts in the convention center in the capital of Bangkok.
[05:13.10]13.____President announced the birthof the first South Korean baby of the millennium.
[05:21.57]14.____,millions of people wished for good fortune in the Year of the Dragon.
[05:29.51]In Tokyo's waterfront area,10,000 people enjoyed a gala countdown to the New Year.
[05:37.27]15.People across the world are welcoming the year 2000 with fanfare and celebration.
[05:46.02]The spectacular dusk-to-dawn light show is marking the beginning of the new century
[05:52.50]at the Pyramids in ____.
[05:56.34]16.Just over an hour ago,millions of people in western and central____
[06:04.70]welcomed the New Year with fireworks and open air parties.
[06:09.76]Part II
[06:18.02]The time ball
[06:24.29]Key words:
[06:29.54]time ball drop time signals tradition
[06:43.46]install observatory revive sweep
[06:52.32]viable hoist gravity mechanism
[07:00.57]aluminum flavor sponsor
[07:06.92]Greenwich Miami Atlanta
[07:13.40]A:Listen to some statements about the time ball.
[07:19.14]Fill in the blanks with what you hear on the tape.
[07:24.11]1.The time ball was originally used as a marine____.
[07:32.05]2.The Greenwich time ball is said to be the world's first public____.
[07:40.59]3.The ball is automatically raised halfway up the mast at____
[07:49.97]to the top at 12:58 P.m.,and drops at ____.
[07:57.02]4.Around____pubic time balls are known or reported to have been installed
[08:06.48]around the world after that at Greenwich in 1833.
[08:13.45]5.The U.S. Naval Observatory dropped the first time ball in the United States in__
[08:23.59]6.Time balls were used in many cities around the U.S. during____.
[08:33.23]7.At the turn of the 20th century dozens of time balls were being dropped____.
[08:43.08]8.A few time balls are still ceremonially dropped around the world,
[08:51.54]ranging from____to the Old Royal Observatory in____.
[08:58.31]B:Listen to a news report about the lowering of the time ball.
[09:05.07]Answer the questions with key words.
[11:49.75]C:Now listen to a faster presentation of the matenrial.Check your answers.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
revive [ri'vaiv]


vt. 使重生,恢复精神,重新记起,唤醒

track [træk]


n. 小路,跑道,踪迹,轨道,乐曲
v. 跟踪

stroke [strəuk]


n. 笔画,击打,一笔(画)连续的动作,中风,

pacific [pə'sifik]


n. 太平洋
adj. 太平洋的

ceremony ['seriməni]


n. 典礼,仪式,礼节,礼仪

display [di'splei]


n. 显示,陈列,炫耀
vt. 显示,表现,夸

convention [kən'venʃən]


n. 大会,协定,惯例,公约

aluminum [ə'lju:minəm]


n. 铝

flavor ['fleivə]


n. 滋味,香料,风格
vt. 加味于

celebrate ['selibreit]


v. 庆祝,庆贺,颂扬





