The Moment Obama's World Changed
Newly released images capture the life-changing moments when the Obamas became America's new First Family. Now the President Elect is already on next step of the journey, and must decide his key appointments. From Washington, Keith Graves reports.
A moment of triumph and truth, the moment when Barack Obama watching television with his family and friends, realized he was about to become the most powerful person in the world.
These still photographs just released show a man who appears as ever to be cool / under pressure, but these are the moments when the Obama family's life's changed, not just for the next few years, but forever.
The trappings of the presidency are already taking over Barack Obama's life, in his first radio address to the nation today, he once again warned Americans not to expect too much from him, because there is no quick cure for the ailing economy.
Tens of millions of families are struggling to figure out how to pay the bills and stay in their homes. Their stories are an urgent reminder that we are facing the greatest economic challenge of our lifetime, and we must act swiftly to resolve them.
President-elect Barack Obama's insistence at his first news conference that George W. Bush is still in the driving seat, may have as much to do with pragmatism as protocol, between now and the January 20th when he takes over, things can only get worse.
It's not going to be quick, and it's not going to be easy for us to dig ourselves out of the hole that we are in, but America is a strong and resilient country, and i know we will succeed.
Even as he was damping down the expectations that he has no miracle cure, the hole got deeper, 240 thousand jobs lost last month, unemployment / at a 14 year high. Industrial giants GM and Ford bleeding cash and talking of going broke, all of which makes his appointment of a treasury secretary crucial, and there're some very heavy hitters on the shortlist.
Timothy Gelthner is a highly respected head of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, already playing a crucial role in tackling the banking crisis. He's calling for the current financial systems to be overhauled. Lawrence Summers could make a comeback, he was treasury secretary during the last two years of Bill Cliton's presidency. He believes in more government regulation in the economy, especially in banking. Paul Volcker is a real Washington insider, and one of Mr.Obama's most trusted economic advisors, he served as chairman of the federal reserve under president Carter a democrat, and president Regan a Republican,and has plans to tackle inflation and high unemployment.
The economy then will be Mr. Obama first priority, but other major problems will be in his intray from the moment he walks into the oval office, not the least of which will be foreign affaires.
The economy is going to occupy him too much and he will not have any time to devote to / foreign policy issues, which in my mind are just as pressing ....
He wants out of Iraq but more engagement in Afganistan, where America/ and her allies including Britain appear to be fighting a losing battle, and the likelier of Iran achieving its nuclear ambitions are problems that demand immediate attention. This weekend Mr. Obama is spending out of the spotlight with his family, he should enjoy it while he can.
Keith Graves Sky News,Washington.