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时间:2008-05-11 17:43:40 来源:本站原创 编辑:alex  每天三分钟英语轻松学


1. More than 400 children have been taken into state custody from the compound of a polygamous sect. Child welfare and law enforcement officials have been interviewing about half of the mostly women and girls. That's after a 16-year-old girl called to say she was being abused here.



2. A coroner's jury has ruled that Princess Diana and boyfriend Dodi Fayed were unlawfully killed. That's because of the reckless actions of their driver and the paparazzi in 1997. It was the most serious verdict available to the jurors.



3. And President Bush welcomed the Louisiana State University football team to the White House. He's honoring the Tigers for winning the National Championship . To thank the president, the Tigers gave him a team jersey complete with his name on the back.



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