??Joseph saw Benjamin in the crowd of brothers as they came before him. He turned to the ruler of his house and said, "Take these men to my house. Fix a really good meal. They are going to have lunch with me." Joseph's brothers were uneasy and confused. Knowing how harshly they had been treated before, they were not sure what this ruler was planning to do. Even though he was inviting them to lunch. When they saw Joseph's steward, they explained to him about finding money in their sacks. "Oh, " he said kindly, "I had your money. It must have been that God put treasure in your sacks!" He didn't tell them that Joseph had ordered him to put their money back in their sacks! The brothers brought their present to the Egyptian ruler, who seemed to be in a very kind and generous mood. When Joseph looked at Benjamin again, he had to suddenly leave the room again. He went to his bedroom and there he cried again. How dearly he loved his family! How deeply he had been hurt! Then Joseph quickly washed his face, put on his dignified expression, and returned to the dining room. Simeon had been brought out of the prison house to the other brothers, and how surprised they all were to see that they had assigned seating according to their birth order. They didn't know anyone in Egypt. How could anyone in Egypt know them, to place them in exactly the order of their age, all eleven of them???Things seem to go very well at lunch, and the brothers began to relax. Maybe now this strange-acting Egyptian ruler really trusted them. They got their sacks of corn, paid for them, and early the next morning, they were leaving to return to their father in Canaan. All eleven brothers were together again, and everything was peaceful. Until! They had not gone far from Egypt when suddenly, they heard shouts and hoof beats behind them! "Stop! Thieves!" The brothers stopped and turned to see Joseph's steward angrily coming toward them. "Why have you rewarded evil for good?Why did you steal my master's silver cup?" You can imagine how upset these brothers were! "What are you saying?God forbid that we should do such a thing! Don't you see that we were honest enough to return our money to you that we found in our sacks?How can you dare accuse us of stealing your ruler's silver or gold?Here, check everyone's sack and if you find that silver cup in one of our sacks, then that person will die and the rest of us will be your servants. "Very well, "the steward said, "Only whoever has stolen the cup shall be the servant."
??Oh, The Bible says in Genesis 55:ll, Then they speedily took down every man his sack to the ground, and opened every man his sack. Verse twelve says, and he searched, and began at the eldest, and left at the youngest:and the cup was found in Benjamin's sack. The brothers gasped in horrified silence! Not Benjamin! They knew Benjamin have not stolen that cup, but how would they ever be able to convince that suspicious Egyptian ruler! And their old father, what, he would grieve himself to death if anything happened to Benjamin. They were so horrified that they ripped their coats. This was something people did in those days to show how terribly upset they were. They all climbed back on their donkeys and started back to Egypt. Oh, boys and girls, what will happen to Benjamin?What will happen to these poor miserable brothers!
??这一切发生的是那样地快!刚才约瑟还是一名囚犯,现在,他站在法老的王宫里成了埃及的王子。作为埃及的王子,在过去的七年内,约瑟聪明地准备埃及迎接将要到来的荒年。你还记得荒年是什么意思吗?就是在那个时候没有东西可吃。现在不但埃及,甚至所有埃及附近的地方也都进入了荒年。圣经创世记第41章57节说,各地的人都往埃及去,到约瑟那里买粮,因为天下的饥荒甚大。 第42章6节又说,当时治理埃及地的是约瑟,买粮给那地众民的就是他。每一个想买粮的人都要从约瑟那里买粮有一天,有十个人站在排队买粮的行列里。约瑟看见他们的时候,吃了一惊!约瑟认出他们是他的十个哥哥。他上一次看见他们是22年以前,他仍然能够认得他们每一个人!
??约瑟的哥哥们走上来,按照习惯,脸伏于地,向埃及的统治者下拜,他们当然没有认出他!当他们在约瑟面前下拜的时候,约瑟突然想起从前所做的那两个梦!你还记得约瑟17时所做的梦吗?就是他的哥哥们在他面前下拜。现在就在他的眼前,这些梦成为了现实!圣经说约瑟向他的哥哥们说话很严厉。为什么呢?还记得他们以前是怎么对待他的吗?也许他要看看他们的心变得好一点没有。约瑟 问他们说:“你们从哪里来?在这儿作什么? 他们说:“我们从迦南地来买粮。” 约瑟 提高声音说:“你们是奸细,来窥探这地的虚实。”他们赶紧对他说:“我主啊,不是的,