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新东方4+1听力口语MP3-语音语调 Unit50

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新东方4+1听力口语MP3-语音语调 Unit50

Part One 听辨练习
A. Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear ????in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. be _______ 4. _______good 7. make _______
2. get _______ 5. _______and peace 8. _______film
3. listen to the ______ 6. _______times 9. _______ about

Part Two跟读练习
C. Listen and repeat. Notice the sound?????in the sentences .
1. The war broke out in 1914.
2. He is a rash young man.
3. She would rather have the small one than the large one.
4. There is a dog under the chair.
5. Those red roses are really very pretty.
6. Harris rarely reads literary reviews.
7. She wore a dress made of a rough, rusty material.
8. The crops have been ruined by the hungry sparrows.
9. The railway bridge across the river is over a hundred feet high.
10. Let’s ride to the bride.
D. Proverbs
Rome wasn’t built in a day.
When in Rome , do as the Romans do.
E. Tongue twisters
Round and round in the stream they rowed.
The rusty rod was wrapped in a rag.

Part Three综合练习
F. Read after the tape .
Initial: rare repair rent repay replace report republic round wrong
  respect read red rid rod room rude right round wrote rain
Medial: Taurus merry merit literal hurry veteran factory (BE) quarrel
  ferry grass cream crack craft crop crush crazy grain grind
  grown brass
Final: there(is) there(are) war(and peace) far(away) bar(of soap) wear and tear
G. Sentence exercises
Exercise 1 : Listen to the sentences and choose the right words you hear on the tape .
1. He’s going to (collect/correct) the homework.
2. Put these paper in the (file/fire).
3. Did you (pray/play) just now?
4. Are you carrying the (light/right) suitcase?
Exercise 2 : Complete these sentences with the letters given.
1. Please r_______ me to answer that letter, or I’ll forget.
2. Could you give me a r_____? I’ll go to the market.
3. I won’t buy it at that p_____.
4. His daughter is very capable, he is p_______ of her.
Exercise 3 : Form a sentence with the words given below.
nursery rhymes reading were the children
Exercise 4 :Form sentences with the words given.
1. very 2. rare 3. really 4. roughly
H. Passage: underline the letters that sound???? .
  “Very sorry”, said Mr. Blake. “I pray you forgive me. It’s all my fault. I allowed William to play cricket against the wall. I’ll pay for the glass he broke, if you like?” “Well, I’d really rather he helped me cut the grass.” Mrs. Lamb replied.
I. Dialogue: underline the letters that sound ??? .
⑴ A: Are the children all grown up now, Rose?
  B: Oh, yes. Laura’s the oldest. She’s a computer programmer.
  A: Oh, very interesting. And what about Rita? She was such a bright child
  —always reading.
  B: She’s a librarian at the public library.
  A: Really? And Chris? She was a very pretty little girl.
B: Christy is working as a waitress at a restaurant in Paris. She’s married to a
  French photographer.
  A: Oh, how interesting. And what about Larry and Rocky?
  B: Larry drives a truck. He drives all over the country. We hardly ever seen him.
  A: Really? Where does he live now?
  B: Colorado.
  A: And does Rocky drive a truck, too?
  B: Oh, no. Rocky is a pilot.
  A: Really? Where does he fly ? Does he fly to other countries?
  B: Yes. Mostly to England and France.
⑵ A: Mary, it was wrong of you to be so late. Mother’s very worried.
  B: I’m so sorry I’m late. But Henry’s car broke down.
  A: I don’t really like Henry. I like my Rose.
  B: I don’t like your Rose. And I do love Henry. And I’m going to marry him.
  A: But my Rose is great.
  B: Your Rose is a fool.
  A: Really, Mary, you’re horrible.
  B: Why don’t you marry Rose, then?
G. Jingle and rhyme
⑴ Don’t worry if your job is small,
And your rewards are few.
Remember that the mighty oak,
Was once a nut like you.
⑵ The man who misses all the fun
Is he who says “It can’t be done.”
In solemn pride he stands aloof,
And greets each venture with reproof.
Had he the power, he would efface
The civilizations of the human race.
We’d have no steam or trolley cars,
No streets lit by electric stars;
No telegraph or telephone,
We’d linger in the age of stone!
The world would sleep if things were run
By men who say “ It can’t be done!”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
lamb [læm]


n. 羔羊,小羊,羔羊肉,温顺的人
v. 产羊

literal ['litərəl]


adj. 逐字的,字面上的,文字的
n. 错误

rocky ['rɔki]


adj. 岩石的,像岩石的,坚硬的,麻木的,困难重重的

photographer [fə'tɔgrəfə]


n. 摄影师

linger ['liŋgə]


vt. 消磨,无所事事
vi. 逗留,消磨,徘

crack [kræk]


v. 崩溃,失去控制,压碎,使裂开,破解,开玩笑

rare [rɛə]


adj. 稀罕的,稀薄的,罕见的,珍贵的

venture ['ventʃə]


n. 冒险,风险,投机
v. 尝试,谨慎地做,

grind [graind]


vt. 磨,碾碎,挤压,压迫
vi. 磨得吱吱

solemn ['sɔləm]


adj. 庄严的,严肃的,隆重的





