⑴ Practice these contrasting words. Listen and repeat each word pair.
1. ow ah 6. spout spot
2. pound pond 7. down Don
3. town Tom 8. found fond
4. doubt dot 9. browns bronze
5. shout shot 10. scouts Scots
⑵ Now practice the contrasting sounds in sentence pairs. The first
sentence of each pair has the sound ??????, and the second has the
sound ?????. Listen and repeat.
1. a. ow Did she say “ow”?
b. ah Did she say “ah”?
2. a. shout A shout came from the back.
b. shot A shot came from the back.
3. a. scouts All scouts know this song.
b. Scots All Scots know this song.
4. a. doubt I doubt it every time.
b. dot I dot it every time.
5. a. spout Did you see the spout on the sink?
b. spot Did you see the spot on the sink?
6. a. pound The dog is in the pound.
b. pond The dog is in the pond.
7. a. down Did you call down from upstairs?
b. Don Did you call Don from upstairs?
8. a. found He said the word is “found”.
b. fond He said the word is “fond”.
9. a. town I went to town last night.
b. Tom I went to Tom last night.
10. a. browns I’d like them in browns.
b. bronze I’d like them in bronze.
Part Five????的发音困难
A. Now practice the sound in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat each word twice.
1. w??m ? whom 4. have have
2. home home 5. inhale inhale
3. hole hole 6. rehearse rehearse
B. Practice the Contrast: Words with initial ????as in “house” and words without ?????Some students leave out the sound ??? when it appears at the beginning of a word.
⑴ Listen and repeat each word pair.
without with without with
1. art heart 5. I high
2. eat heat 6. arm harm
3. air hair 7. it hit
4. ate hate 8. owl howl
⑵ The second sentence of each pair has the sound /h/. Listen and repeat.
1. a. art It’s my art I’m worried about.
b. heart It’s my heart I’m worried about.
2. a. eat Did you eat it right away?
b. heat Did you heat it right away?
3. a. air I can tell it’s in the air.
b. hair I can tell it’s in the hair.
4. a. I Who said it was I?
b. high Who said it was high?
5. a. arm Did you arm the man?
b. harm Did you harm the man?
6. a. it We didn’t think it was it.
b. hit We didn’t think it was hit.
Part Six ???的发音困难
A. Now practice the sound in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat each word twice.
1. ink ink
2. thank thank
3. single ? single
4. singer ? singer
5. sing sing
6. king king
B. Practice the contrast: ????? as in “king”??(? as in “no”, and?????? as in “bank” .
Some students may confuse the sounds??????(??and??????, when they occur in the final position.
⑴ Listen and repeat each group of words.
1. ban bank bang
2. sin sink sing
3. Min mink Ming
4. tan tank tang
5. win wink wing
6. ran rank rang
⑵ The first sentence of each group has a final??(?? sound. The second sentence has a final??????? and the third has a final?????. Listen and repeat.
1. a. ban I heard about the ban.
b. bank I heard about the bank.
c. bang I heard about the bang.
2. a. Min We all thought it was Min.
b. mink We all thought it was Mink.
c. Ming We all thought it was Ming.
3. a. tan He likes that tan.
b. tank He likes that tank.
c. tang He likes that tang.
4. a. win She said it’s a win.
b. wink She said it’s a wink.
c. wing She said it’s a wing.
5. a. ran Did you say we ran?
b. rank Did you say we rank?
c. rang Did you say we rang?
Part Seven???? and ??? 的混淆问题
A. Practice the sound in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat each word twice.
1. no no
2. not not
3. dinner dinner
4. funny funny
5. brain brain
6. low low
7. lot lot
8. dealer dealer
9. fully fully
10. blame lame
B. Practice the contrast: /?????and /?? ?.
1. a. dinner Where is the dinner?
b. dealer Where is the dealer?
2. a. funny Is that boy very funny?
b. fully Is that boy very fully?
3. a. knock Did you knock the door?
b. lock Did you lock the door?
4. a. no There is no tree on the street.
b. low There is a low tree on the street.
5. a. light I can not see the light.
b. night I can not see the night.
6. a. lay Did she say “lay”?
b. nay Did she say “nay”?
Part Nine 音标比较