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华尔街基础英语 Lesson 41

来源:本站原创 编辑:alex   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


33. Wow! Romantic or what? Who needs Paris and Rome, when you can come to Newhaven.
34. And then we get the ferry in the evening. At least we’ll be together, won’t we?
35. Yeah, well, it doesn’t look the great, but you know, maybe if we just…
36. Like, look around a bit we’ll find somewhere cute or historic,
37. We can do some shopping, any way.
38. At least, I’ll have time to buy a newspaper. You know, I haven’t read an American newspaper all the time we’ve been in England.
39. I know, honey, you’re already told me twice, in fact.
40. Anyway, Here is a bookstore.
41. Oh, I’ll try in here. No, of course, they don’t have any American papers.
42. I guess not many Americans come to Newhaven, I can’t think why so.
43. Well, that’s the romantic bookstore, we’re only got…
44. Ten and three quarter hours to wait now. What next?
45. There’s a supermarket over there.
46. Wow! It’s even more romantic than the bookstore.
47. Look Alan, why not try to have a good time, Ok? So let’s go in to supermarket, at least. Hey, what’s the matter?
48. Geez! I’ve just remembered! What date is it today? It’s the twenty-first, isn’t it?
49. Yeah, why?
50. I must call Alice. It’s really important.
51. Not Alice again!
52. Look, this is really urgent, ok? I’ll tell you later. Now, where’s a payphone?
53. You know something, every time you start thing about Alice, you stop thing about me. Is she more important to you than I am?
54. Later, honey, I must find a payphone.
55. So this is going to be our life together, this is how our honeymoon is going to be?
56. You looking for a payphone all the time, to call Alice?
57. Me just waiting for you, not knowing how you really feel?
58. There’s a payphone over there, wait for me, I’ll be right back!
59. Or if you care about me at all? What if I don’t wait for you?
60. I’ve got good news, honey!
61. What’s that? You and Alice are getting back together?
62. What? No, of course not! Wo, I didn’t want to tell you before, bur she’s going to buy the business well, my half of it.
63. What do you mean?
64. I mean, I’m getting out, honey. I’m selling her my half of the business.
65. How much is she paying?
66. What do you say to… four million?
67. Four million?
68. Yeah, four million bucks, in cash!
69. So… what will you do?
70. What will I do? Oh, I’m not in a hurry. First I’ll have a long vacation, I think, a real good long vacation, with my lovely wife.
71. Oh, honey!
72. Yeah, we’ll go to Paris, then to Rome.
73. How about Venice?
74. Sure. Why not? Where else?
75. Madrid, maybe? I’ve never been to Madrid.
76. If you want to go there, that’s where we’ll go. The world is ours, honey!
77. Oh, Alan that’s so… wonderful! Ah, well. Let’s say goodbye to the folks. Goodbye! It was nice meeting you.
78. Yeah, take care now. Ok?
79. Bye!
80. Paris. Here we come.
重点单词   查看全部解释    
romantic [rə'mæntik]


adj. 浪漫的
n. 浪漫的人

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,


关键字: 高中语法 日语新闻




