[00:00.01]Daniel! Oh, my god! 丹尼尔 天啊 [00:02.49]I was just thinking about calling you. 我正想要给你打电话 [00:04.46]Are you back? Are you okay? 你怎么样 怎么样 [00:06.44]Sort of. I'm having a bit of an issue here at the airport. 还行 我在机场出了点小问题 [00:12.48]So you may be on some terrorist watch list for now, 现在你可能只是暂时在恐怖分子监控名单上 [00:16.02]But they're not gonna press charges. 但他们是不会指控的 [00:19.01]Press charges. I should press charges. 指控 我应该提出指控 [00:21.31]Betty, they lost my wife. 他们把我妻子弄丢了 [00:22.52]Daniel, weren't you gonna spread her ashes at the Jokhang Temple? 丹尼尔你不是要把她的骨灰洒在大昭寺的吗 [00:26.11]I did, but I decided to keep some of the ashes. 我是洒了但我决定留一点 [00:29.03]But then they made me check the urn, and they lost her. 但他们让我再检查一下骨灰瓮结果他们把它弄丢了 [00:31.20]They lost half my wife. 他们把我半个妻子弄丢了 [00:34.01]But they found her. You have the urn. It's okay. 但他们找到了 你拿到了骨灰瓮 没事了 [00:39.16]Daniel, I know you want to stay at Molly's apartment, but... 丹尼尔 我知道你想要住在莫莉的公寓 [00:41.52]Is that really the best idea? 但这样好吗 [00:44.59]Look, it's fine. 没事的 [00:46.36]My apartment's on the market. I need a place to stay. 我的公寓正在出售 我得有个地方待 [00:50.16]Besides, I have to go through her things anyway. 而且我还要整理她的东西 [00:52.43]All right. If you think it's okay. 好吧 如果你觉得没事的话 [00:55.13]Enough about me. 那样就够了 [00:55.53]I want to hear about how things have been going. 我想听听最近发生了什么 [00:57.58]How's life as an editor? 做编辑的日子怎么样 [00:59.44]Great. Really great. Good. It's good. 很好 非常好 [01:03.22]You are a bad liar. 你一向撒不来谎 [01:05.07]I know. But I'm not gonna complain about my problems to you. 我知道的 但我不会向你抱怨的 那是我的问题 [01:09.20]Betty, trust me. 贝蒂 相信我 [01:10.19]It's a relief to hear about somebody else's problems. 听听别人的麻烦也是一种解脱