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1【Anti-U.S. Protests Die Down】



TEXT:It's a mostly calmer scene across the Mideast Saturday as the massive protests against the U-S over an anti-Muslim filmed have largely quieted down.Friday saw massive protests that led to a number of deaths, and the destruction of western embassies - something President Obama says must stop.SOT Obamathere is never any justification for violence. There is no religion that condones the targeting of innocent men and women. There is no excuse for attacks on our Embassies and Consulates. Security forces are standing at the ready at U-S and other embassies across the region following four days of deadly violence.But while most streets are empty that doesn't mean the furor has tamped down.NAT SOUND PASHTUAfghanistan's parliament has condemned the anti-Muslim film and is asking the U-S to put the movie's maker on trial.Meanwhile some have taken to the streets again.In Pakistan protesters burned the American flag and chanted anti-U-S slogans while a branch of al-Qaida is calling for even more attacks on U-S facilities in the region.


2【Obama Failing to Lead in Mideast Crisis】



TEXT:" Peace, freedom, and civilized values have enemies in this world, as we have been reminded by events in Egypt, Libya, and Yemen. We have all seen images of our flag being burned and our enemies under attack by vicious mobs. The worst of it is the loss of four good men, including our ambassador to Libya. They were there for the most peaceful purposes in service to our country. And today our country honors their lives and grieves with their families. All of us are watching events closely, but we know who America is dealing with in these attacks. They are extremists who operate by violence and intimidation. And the least equivocation or mixed signal only makes them bolder. Look across that region today, and what do we see? - The slaughter of brave dissidents in Syria. - Mobs storming American embassies and consulates. - Iran four years closer to gaining a nuclear weapon. - Israel, our best ally in the region, treated with indifference bordering on contempt by the Obama administration. Amid all these threats and dangers, what we do not see is steady, consistent American leadership. In the days ahead, and in the years ahead, American foreign policy needs moral clarity and firmness of purpose. Only by the confident exercise of American influence are evil and violence overcome. That is how we keep problems abroad from becoming crises. That is what keeps the peace. And that is what we will have in a Romney-Ryan administration. "



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